

A scenic programme after Gerhard Mensching

»Handwork« consists of 20 short humorous dramas. They are exclusively performed by four hands and feature a kaleidoscope of human wishful thinking, contradictions and inadequacies: odd, funny and sensuous. The playing is sometimes minimalistic, sometimes emphatically physical, and Gerhard Mensching’s onomatopoeic fantasy language leaves ample space for individual associations, giving the scenes their peculiar and unique fascination.

Marc Schnittger and his long-term co-performer Arne Bustorff deploy fine craftsmanship, skill and passion to fuse the interplay of human gesture and reduced figures into a sensuous theatrical experience. A very amusing programme with design that is equally expressive both aurally and acoustically was created under the direction of Mac Lowitz, Almut Fischer and Cora Mehlich.

Marc Schnittger and Arne Bustorff have been invited to many international festivals. They have already performed in countries including France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Brazil and Israel.



Sponsored by the Kiel Department of Culture, the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education and Arts and the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. with funds from the Federal Commissioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media.

2001, 2002, 2004 | All rights reserved


Minimal effort, maximum effect – tears of laughter and lengthy applause.
Kieler Nachrichten

A very special, unusual art form that casts its inevitable, fascinating spell over the audience, funny, full of surprises and very poetic.
Pyrmonter Nachrichten


A great deal of skill, charm, finger-tip sensitivity and love of detail.
Augsburger Zeitung

Amusing, impudent, sensitive, poetic. Simply fascinating!
Norddeutsche Rundschau

The hand becomes synonymous with adventure, imagination and creativity.
Westfälische Allgemeine Zeitung

Puppet theatre in its purest form.
Fürther Nachrichten



Excerpts from the show »Handwork«.



direction: Marc Lowitz, Almut Fischer, Cora Mehlich (née Mensching)
text: Gerhard Mensching (1932-1992)
play: Marc Schnittger, Arne Bustorff
setting: Marc Schnittger
props: Arne Bustorff

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Marc Schnittger