The Garden of Earthly Delights

All power to the swamps!

Swamped with praise: Marc Schnittger’s »Garden of Earthly Delights«. Wonderful how this round dance shifts between seriousness, the grotesque and comedy.
Kieler Nachrichten

Outstanding puppetry.


Forget funny

Gripping puppetry to end the Festival. Pleasure-sekking tourists are thrown back on their own resources radically in the heart of the wilderness. Fun-seekers are made to look into their own abyss, apparently tamed nature becomes a grisly miasma of profound fears. A dense and gripping show.
Augsburger Zeitung

The jungle camp and the question of human existence

Everything goes in Marc Schnittger’s Garden of Earthly Delights, but nothing is as it seems. This is all about central questions of human existence. Life-size latex figures presented by Schnittger in a virtuoso fashion live and suffer through a crazy unmasking process. The extreme situation in the jungle turns their lives upside-down.
Husumer Nachrichten

Tango in the swamp

 Marc Schnittger’s garden of delights enchants the audience. A biotope of unreality, absurdity and the grotesque, a world that is as funny as it is frightening, as disturbing as it is fascinating, brought to joyous life by Marc Schnittger, the brilliant puppet-whisperer.
Straubinger Tagblatt

Paradise Lost

 Paradse lost, expelled from Eden, a claustrophobic society somethere between Milton, Dante, Sartre and Hieronymus Bosch. A fantasy allegory: hard to interpret but easy to understand: it is all about life, that illness that carries us to death, with its friends, joys, entanglements and psychological abysses. L’enfer, c’est les autres.

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Marc Schnittger